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PaleoTraining is a holistic fitness approach, grounded in the Nature forward principles of movement, nutrition, wellness, and community bonds. Our purpose?

To rediscover human potential and help our members live a healthier, happier and longer life. With PaleoTraining, our members learn to move how our body is designed to move and eat the foods we truly need. Both are enhanced by our wellness practices and supported by a stronger connection with our communi.


Demanding, rewarding, fun, sustainable, efficient and dynamic.
High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT: 10´-20´paused and non-paused workouts
Medium Intensity Interval Training or MIIT: 50% of cardiovascular conditioning-50% functional movements non-paused workouts
Low-Intensity Interval Training or LIIT: all characters of strength workouts
Based on Natural Movements, which are connected to our History and Evolution


Holistic approach based on Evolutionary Nutritional Principles supported by an expert on nutritional science.
We are founded on dietary behavior and nutrition science
A complementary, coherent and sustainable guidance to food


Spiritual fitness is when mind and body connect and match
Balance and Mindfulness
Personal growth


Created a like-minded community.
Give support, share experiences, and have room to grow.
Building excitement.
A healthy lifestyle also means supporting the community.
Events to build community spirit.


PaleoTraining is a fitness sport based on varied natural movements performed at different workout intensities.

Discover PaleoTraining

Why Paleo

PaleoTraining is a fitness sport based on varied natural movements performed at different workout intensities.


PaleoTraining is a fitness sport based on varied natural movements performed at different workout intensities.


PaleoTraining is a fitness sport based on varied natural movements performed at different workout intensities.

Discover PaleoTraining


PaleoTraining is a fitness sport based on varied natural movements performed at different workout intensities.


Our Story

PaleoTraining was launched in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) in 2009 by Airam Fernández, one of the world’s foremost experts on evolutionary fitness.
After noticing that many of his patients were suffering from chronic pain and muscle injuries, he realized that whilst he was treating the symptoms, he was not addressing their cause. Coupled with his natural curiosity in Evolutionary Medicine, Airam decided to systematically change his approach to his practice. He removed the traditional equipment of his clinic and introduced exercise routines, including weights, bands, matts and bars. This, combined with the effectiveness of stripped-back training (running, jumping, hanging, pushing and pulling resulted in the birth of PaleoTraining.

Today PaleoTraining boasts more than 13,000 members amongst its community and over 21 centers in Europe and is on the road to become an international phenomenon.