Nuestros miembros son el centro de todo lo que hacemos y por qué lo hacemos. Nuestro objetivo es que todas las personas que se unan a PaleoTraining tengan la mejor experiencia de fitness, en un ambiente acogedor, lleno de confianza, donde se sientan aceptados y plenos, para que puedan liberar todo su potencial humano.
PaleoTraining se enfoca en entrenamientos grupales guiados que son cortos, intensos y eficientes. Al mismo tiempo, nuestra tecnología, SYLEX, permite que las personas entrenen de forma individual y disfruten de una experiencia completa de PaleoTraining por sí mismas.
Body & Nutrition Track
Body & Nutrition Track: our BNT is a unique program for improving your body composition and getting to a new relationship with food, perfectly designed for the best nutrition experts.

What is foundation? Foundation in PaleoTraining© is a 1 to 3-week training plan designed to establish a strong base in natural movement. It focuses on mastering fundamental movement patterns, developing coordination, and building the necessary strength and endurance for more advanced workouts.
By emphasizing proper technique and progressive adaptation, Foundation ensures a smooth and effective transition into the full PaleoTraining experience.

After mastering the basic movements, you progress to the two core training styles of PaleoTraining©: HIIT and Strength. These are seamlessly integrated into the Evolution60 program, a unique methodology that unfolds over 60 evolving days. Each session follows a carefully structured sequence, ensuring continuous adaptation, enhanced performance, and a dynamic training experience that keeps both body and mind engaged.

Our workouts focus on functional, real and human movements in a living, wild and nature-like environment. Our facilities are designed to replicate nature, using wood logs, grass and ropes. At our studios you will feel like you are immersed in nature whilst maintaining a sense of fun and playfulness.
PaleoTraining focuses on guided group workouts that are short, intense and efficient. At the same time, our algorythm, SYLEX, allows people to train individually and enjoy a full PaleoTraining experience by themselves throughout more than 200 different workouts, spitted in High Intensity, endurance and strength workouts









Esto es todo en PaleoTraining y va mucho más allá de los entrenamientos normales...
¿Qué es el Movimiento Natural?

Los movimientos naturales son aquellos que son inherentes e instintivos para los seres humanos, lo que significa que el cuerpo humano está naturalmente diseñado para realizarlos.
Estos movimientos suelen ser simples, eficientes y no requieren ningún entrenamiento o equipo específico.
En PaleoTraining, los movimientos naturales incluyen el peso corporal, levantamiento, ejercicios con troncos y resistencia. ¡Descubre tu instinto natural con nosotros!