Our certification program provides you with the most compelling skills and cutting edge knowledge needed to become a successful coach, including movement tutorials, live sessions with experienced coaches, and a qualification test.
Level 1: Foundations of PaleoTraining
As a Level 1, you will dive into the depths of PaleoTraining Foundations and all theoretical aspects of PaleoTraining© with this knowledge-focused certification.
What it Includes:
- 12 video modules (over 15 hours of content)
- A 5-hour live master class
- Level 1 test. this is an on-line course with a final live tutorial and test.
- Build a solid understanding of PaleoTraining© principles, Nature-based nutrition, and natural movement concepts.
- This is not a professional certification but essential groundwork to access to Level 2-Coach.
Level 2: Professional PaleoTraining Coach Certification
As a level 2 you are a certified coach, capable to manage the grass and the members´needs. Take the next step towards becoming a certified PaleoTraining coach. This level equips you with all the practical skills you need to coach clients effectively:
What it Includes:
Movement tutorials and practical coaching techniques.
- Live training sessions with expert coaches.
- Workout programming practices.
- Body composition analysis and practices.
- Qualification test to become a certified PaleoTraining© coach
- Become a certified professional, capable of running your own classes and managing a PaleoTraining© studio.
Level 3: Advanced PaleoTraining© Education
As a level 3 or Head Coach Level, you will be more than a coach in a PaleoTraining Studio, our modules will soar you with specific knowledge in different fields: breath work, meditation, injury-free running, nutrition advisory and workout programming. Expand your expertise with specialized training that enhances your coaching practice.
What it Includes:
Courses in breathwork, meditation, injury-free running, advanced workout programming, and nutrition advisory
Develop advanced skills to become an expert in the PaleoTraining© methodology and take on leadership roles. Through these programs, you’ll acquire skills in:
- Applying the principles of a Nature Centric Nutrition and lifestyle to modern
fitness programs - Desarrollar programas de entrenamiento efectivos y personalizados para clientes.
- Enseñar el movimiento y la técnica adecuados para los ejercicios.
- Comprender la conexión entre el movimiento, la nutrición y la salud en general.
- Incorporar el trabajo respiratorio y la meditación en tu práctica de coaching.
- Prevenir lesiones y ayudar a los clientes a recuperarse de ellas.
- Gestionar con éxito un estudio y equipo de PaleoTraining.
Start your journey today.

30 horas de video
¡Potencia tus habilidades con horas de contenido!

A tu propio ritmo
Learn with our easy and in your own schedule

Sesiones en vivo
Clarify your doubts to a profesor on live session

Para todos los niveles
Designed to be valuable whether you’re a beginner
or a pro.
Certificación de Entrenador Online
- Online Course Access:
You will be given access to the online course portal which includes video recorded classes, movement tutorials, and other study materials. - Live Session with the Professor:
You will have the opportunity to attend live online sessions with the professor where you can interact and clarify your doubts. - Qualification Test:
After completing the course, you will be required to take a qualification test. You will have to record yourself performing the movements and coaching a client. - Certification:
Upon passing the qualification test, you will be granted a certification as a PaleoTraining© Coach. - Timeframe:
The course is designed to be completed within 3 months, and you have the flexibility to choose your own study pace.
Certificación de Entrenador Presencial
- All Level 1 included.
Flagship Course:
This course is the flagship program of PaleoTraining© and is delivered in-person at a designated training center.Live Session with the Founder:
You will have the opportunity to attend live sessions with the founder where you can interact and ask questions.20 Hours of Classes:
The course comprises 20 hours of classes, including workouts, movement practices, lectures, and discussions.Workouts and Movement Practices:
You will learn various workouts and movement practices that are specific to PaleoTraining©, including strength training, functional movements, and conditioning exercises.Certification:
Upon completing the course and passing the qualification test, you will be granted a certification as a PaleoTraining© Level 2-Coach.Duration:
The course is designed to be completed after you complete Level 1 , typically ranging from 1 to 4 weeks.Practical Application:
You will have the opportunity to apply what you learn by coaching and working with real clients under the guidance of experienced coaches.Networking:
You will have the opportunity to connect with other coaches and professionals in the fitness industry, building relationships and expanding your network.Online Course Access:
Before the on-premise course, you need to have passed the online course Level 1. This platform will be open access for 3 months. This will allow you to review the course material and continue your learning even after the on-premise course is completed.
Certificación en Head Coach
Tanto los cursos de certificación presenciales como online de PaleoTraining brindan acceso al programa de Nivel Head Coach. Este programa incluye cursos especializados sobre respiración, meditación, correr sin lesiones, asesoramiento nutricional y programación de entrenamientos.
Ya sea que elijas completar el curso de certificación en persona en un centro de entrenamiento designado o en línea, tendrás acceso al mismo programa de Nivel Head Coach y a los cursos especializados. Esto significa que podrás seguir desarrollando tus habilidades y profundizando tus conocimientos sobre la filosofía de PaleoTraining, sin importar el formato de certificación que elijas.
Al completar los cursos especializados y aprobar todas las pruebas, obtendrás la calificación de Nivel 2 o Head Coach en PaleoTraining, lo que demuestra un alto nivel de competencia y habilidad en la materia. Cursos Especializados: Como parte del programa de Nivel Head Coach, tendrás acceso a cinco cursos especializados:
Curso Especializado en Respiración
Curso Especializado en Meditación
Curso Especializado en Correr sin Lesiones
Curso Especializado en Asesoramiento Nutricional
Curso Especializado en Programación de Entrenamientos
Estos cinco cursos están diseñados para profundizar tus conocimientos y habilidades en estas áreas específicas, que son aspectos importantes de la filosofía de PaleoTraining.
Finalización de Pruebas: Para convertirte en un Nivel 2 o Head Coach en PaleoTraining, deberás aprobar las 5 pruebas de los cursos especializados. Estas pruebas están diseñadas para evaluar tus conocimientos y habilidades en cada área y asegurarse de que estás cualificado para entrenar a clientes en estos aspectos.
Certificación en Master Coach
Después de alcanzar la designación de Head Coach y ser invitado(a) a convertirte en Master Coach de PaleoTraining, tendrás la oportunidad de convertirte en profesor(a) del programa de certificación para entrenadores.
Como Master Coach y profesor(a) del programa de certificación, tendrás la oportunidad de compartir tus conocimientos y experiencia con entrenadores en formación y ayudarles a desarrollar las habilidades y experiencia necesarias para convertirse en entrenadores exitosos de PaleoTraining. Desempeñarás un papel vital en el crecimiento y desarrollo de la comunidad de PaleoTraining y contribuirás a la continua evolución del programa.
Convertirse en profesor(a) del programa de certificación de entrenadores es una oportunidad prestigiosa y gratificante que sólo está disponible para aquellos que han demostrado habilidades excepcionales de entrenamiento y una profunda comprensión de la filosofía de PaleoTraining.
Calificación como Gerente
PaleoTraining también ofrece un Curso de Gerente diseñado para aquellos que desean aprender cómo administrar un estudio de PaleoTraining.